
Album: SWAP 'n' ROLL (CD-2024) / 20.-

Das Release unserer neuen Veröffentlichung "Swap'n'Roll" vereint die einzigartigen Talente von den Booze Bombs, B-Shakers und Lesly's Dynamite und verspricht ein musikalisches Erlebnis der ganz besonderen Art.

Alle Musiker auf diesem Album bringen mit ihrem ganz eigenen Stil und Interpretation ein ganz spezielles Hörerlebnis.

Gemeinsam erschaffen sie einen Sound, der für eine ganz besondere Atmosphäre sorgt und alle Musikherzen schneller schlagen lässt. Freut euch auf eine außergewöhnliche Klangreise, die sowohl Fans als auch Neulinge begeistern wird.

"This album is brilliant, all 3 bands deliver a level of musical variety that results in you not having that feeling that you have heard the song before….even though strictly speaking you have. All 3 bands have their own identity and their distinctive style and all 3 bands are extremely talented musicians and songwriters and that is why this album works so well."

"I love the concept of this album and The B-Shakers, Lesley’s Dynamite and The Booze Bombs have executed it in such a way that no band is the headliner, instead each band compliments each other. RECOMMENDATION: Quite simply……Buy this album, it is brilliant. Enough said!!!" 

Slap that Bass AJ's Rocking Music Reviews, 2024


Album: SHAKER ATTACK (CD-2021) / 20.-

"Formed in 2008 in the Swiss village of Scoville this Band brings you the old sound of Rockabilly in a new and exciting way. Marching into the next chapter with Shaker Attack the B-Shakers went from raw and wild to just unbelievable AWESOME. Stepping even more away from covers. The B-Shakers are one Band not to mess with, it’s like a rolling Thunder and the more you wait and listen, the louder and more ferocious it is getting until it’s to late and you get captured by the sound of the B-SHAKERS."

"Great vocals and so many different styles of music combined is just so cool. All the instruments are just perfectly layered and just to fill out the whole track, their backing vocals are just a brilliant idea. Summary: The B-Shakers growing with each Album stronger and stronger. It’s not just the handling of Instruments or Vocals , it,s the small things in the background or the way the riffs are played or the mix between two or three different styles of music what makes this a must have Album."

Slap that Bass AJ's Rocking Music Reviews, 2021


Album: LET'S GO BOOGIE (CD-2018) / 10.-

"Swiss rockabilly cats The B-Shakers are upping their game. With 2 solid albums under their belts, both loaded with covers, the band has now stepped up with their third and impressive album "Let's Go Boogie" This time out we get 12 originals and 1 cover that finds the band hitting their stride and delivering the goods. From straight up rockabilly to rockabilly blues and surf, this baby packs a punch. Hell there is even some killer harp action thrown into the mix. Highlights include: " Jimmy's Got A Hot Rod", " Surf All Day", "Let Me Free", "Stairway To Hell" and "Jeanny Is In Love With Me".
The B-Shakers have always been a pretty solid outfit. The fact that they are now throwing down originals only makes them better. This is a band that really has found their groove and it's a kool one at that. "Let's Go Boogie" is easily their best and one album you probably should snap up. Highly recommended!"
JOHN VANDERTUIN, Slaking Katz Radio, Ontario, Canada

"Great vocals and so many different styles of music combined is just so cool. All the instruments are just perfectly layered and just to fill out the whole track, their backing vocals are just a brilliant idea. Summary: The B-Shakers growing with each Album stronger and stronger. It’s not just the handling of Instruments or Vocals , it,s the small things in the background or the way the riffs are played or the mix between two or three different styles of music what makes this a must have Album."
Slap that Bass AJ's Rocking Music Reviews, 2021


Album: TAKE ME FOR A RIDE (CD-2012) / 5.-

Jetzt wird's schmutzig! Jedoch nicht wie bei einer Filmproduktion, deren Inhalt nicht für Minderjährige zugänglich sein sollte., sondern im Sinne des astreinen Rock`n`Rolls! Die Schweizer liefern mit ihrer neuen CD allerbesten Neo-Rockabilly ab, der zwar unweigerlich an die Stray Cats erinnert, aber keineswegs abgekupfert wirkt.Jetzt wird's schmutzig! Jedoch nicht wie bei einer Filmproduktion, deren Inhalt nicht für Minderjährige zugänglich sein sollte., sondern im Sinne des astreinen Rock`n`Rolls! Die Schweizer liefern mit ihrer neuen CD allerbesten Neo-Rockabilly ab, der zwar unweigerlich an die Stray Cats erinnert, aber keineswegs abgekupfert wirkt.

Dynamite, Szenemagazin (Januar 2013)

"Sleepless: der Hammer zum Schluss, hier fahren die Jungs eine Ballade auf, die jedem die Tränen in die Augen treibt – nehmt Euren Schatz bei der Hand und haltet ihn (sie) fest…"

Frank Bergmann, Rockabilly-Musik-Experte


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